All for One and One for All (Nostalgia FrameWork)

Shalisse's Blog

Overtime as my research develops, a framework that comes to mind each time I revisit different games to help my DA form or to help me expand my knowledge in games media is Nostalgia. Nostalgia is what helps me identify my experience in the games media community and help me understand the structures of the games I use to play in my childhood. It also sculpts user’s thoughts towards a particular game and creates an opinion of experience for other curious people to jump on board and play the game.

What is Nostalgia?

Nostalgia helps create opinions around specific games and is apart of creating a textual analysis of any game played. This framework is one of the most important due to one’s memory of the game which therefore forms an opinion and pretty much sets in stone their thoughts about their experience of the game. For an example what…

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